During Prohibition, newspapers were always filled with articles about booze raids and attempts to take away alcohol from the people. As we all know, their efforts were unsuccessful.
From 100 years ago:
Bigger and Better Raids Promised New Year Eve

R. Q. Merrick, prohibition divisional chief for New York and northern New Jersey said today that New Year eve raids here would be “bigger and better than ever.”
Mr. Merrick described New Jersey as “one of the wettest spots in the country – almost impossible to dry up,” but said he considered it his duty to concentrate on prohibition enforcement in New York State, where there is no statute supporting the Volstead act.
New Jersey has one, with a state prohibition director to enforce it.
Mr. Merrick expressed the opinion that “people of New York City will be greatly disappointed if we don’t conduct our customary New Year eve series of raids along the Great White Way.”
Source: Evening star. (Washington, D.C.), 28 Dec. 1924.