5 Reasons Why You Should Never Accept a Dinner Invitation From Vlad the Impaler

It’s safe to say, dining with Vlad the Impaler would not only be risky but could be a literally life-threatening endeavor.

And so, without bothering with a long and tedious introduction, here are 5 reasons why you should never consider a dining event with Vlad Tepes.

1. Severe Punishments

Vlad the Impaler earned his nickname due to his favorite method of execution: impalement.

His reputation for cruelty is well-documented, suggesting that any breach of etiquette at his table might have had severe repercussions.

2. Political Manipulation

Vlad was known for using dinner invitations as a tool for political manipulation. He would often invite his enemies to dine with him only to have them arrested or executed at the end of the meal.

3. Disturbing Atmosphere

Historical accounts suggest that Vlad would dine amidst his victims as they suffered on stakes.

The gruesome scenery, certainly not for the faint of heart, would make for an extremely distressing dining experience.

4. Dubious Menu

There’s little information on what was served at Vlad’s table, but given the times and his infamous nature, the fare might include less than appetizing medieval dishes, prepared under questionable hygiene standards.

5. Unpleasant Conversations

Vlad’s interests likely revolved around wars, political intrigue, and methods of torture.

Small talk and light dinner conversation would probably not be on the menu, making for a grim and tense meal.

Author: StrangeAgo