Mountain Girl Abandoned and Robbed of Wedding Gifts in Pittsburgh

“I promised to marry a mountain girl from Kentucky, and then I stole her dowry and ditched her in Pittsburgh. AITAH?”

Oof. What a story!

Victim of Suave Agent

PITTSBURGH, Pa., March 29, 1918. — Enticed from her home on the pretense of marriage and robbed of the wedding presents her father had given her, Vina E. Saylor, aged eighteen of Broadhead, Ky., a typical girl of the mountains, was found homeless in the downtown streets of Pittsburgh.

Miss Saylor’s father and uncle are fur trappers in the mountains of Kentucky and each year sell their wares to agents of a New York firm. A month ago an agent arrived at Broadhead. His smooth talk and appearance soon won the heart of the mountain girl and within a short time she gave her consent to marriage.

For a wedding present the girl’s father gave her a trunk filled with valuable furs. The couple left Broadhead, went to Cincinnati and then came to this city, where the man and the girl’s trunk disappeared.

Source: Perth Amboy evening news. (Perth Amboy, N.J.), 29 March 1918.

Author: StrangeAgo