Convicted Murderer Edward Krause Buried in Pauper’s Field After Escape and Fatal Shooting

Convicted murderer Edward Krause, who escaped from the Federal jail and was shot dead at Doty’s Cove, was buried in the pauper’s field of Evergreen Cemetery.

Edward Krause Put In Ground In Plain Box

JUNEAU, Alaska. April 17, 1917. — In a plain board box, without ceremony of any kind, the remains of Edward Krause, convicted murderer who escaped from the Federal jail last Thursday night and who was shot and killed at Doty’s Cove by Arvid Fransen on Sunday, were this morning placed in a grave in the pauper’s field of Evergreen cemetery.

The remains were taken early yesterday forenoon to the undertaking parlors of the C.W. Young Company where many called during the day to gaze on the dead outlaw.

The undertaking company received instructions from the government officials to give the remains the same kind of a burial as is usual to destitute persons or prisoners, which was done.

This morning shortly before ten o’clock Arvid Fransen was handed a check for the sum of $1,000, that being the amount of the reward offered for the arrest or the killing of Krause. Gov. J.F.A. Strong did not hesitate at all about paying the reward, but merely waited until the findings of the coroner’s jury had been filed in his office. The check was at once drawn in favor of Fransen and he was notified.

Mr. Franzen turned the reward money over to his wife to use for herself and their children. Mrs. Fransen expects to use it in connection with the homestead at Doty’s Cove.

Mr. and Mrs. Fransen and the children will go to Doty’s Cove tomorrow. Mr. Fransen will stay there a week or two to aid in getting them comfortably fixed, and will then return to Gastineau Channel and work at his trade as a marine engineer, or in th mechanical department of one of the mines.

Source: The Alaska daily empire. (Juneau, Alaska), 17 April 1917.

Author: StrangeAgo