The following 1914 news report tells of an accused anarchist who was arrested and then refused to eat. The report details how they planned to pin her down and force feed her.
Claim They Will Make Girl Anarchist Eat Food

New York. July 23, 1914. — “Becky” Edelson, anarchist, is still “hunger striking” in her cell on Blackwell’s Island. This is her third day of self-enforced starvation.
“Becky” will eat within the next 24 hours, it was stated today by Commissioner Katherine B. Davis, whether she wants to or not. If “Becky” doesn’t eat of her own volition she will be forcibly fed.
The commissioner’s plan for feeding “Becky” against her will is very simple. “Becky” will be trussed up in a blanket so she can’t make a move, even wiggle. Then a rubber tube will be inserted in one of her nostrils and a special liquid preparation will be poured through the tube.
“And the dose will be repeated as often as necessary,” said Commissioner Davis.
Source: The day book. (Chicago, Ill.), 23 July 1914.