What do fingernails mean in dreams?

Fingernails in dreams can be interpreted in many ways, from poverty and riches to misfortune and success. It all has to do with the length of the nails and with who is attached to them, as you will find out below.

Last Night’s Dreams

Did you dream of fingernails?

All the mystics seem to agree that to dream of having long fingernails foretells great profit coming to the dreamer.

But to dream that your fingernails are cut short is regarded as an unfavorable omen denoting danger of loss.

Some say that a dream of very short fingernails means that you are going to quarrel with someone.

Neither is it considered a very favorable omen to dream of cutting your nails as it is significant of a disagreement with some of your relatives.

And if you dream your nails are torn off there is likely to be an unhappiness in the family circle.

But to dream of seeing other people with nails cut to the quick, or to dream of seeing others with their nails torn off, is a favorable sign for you, as it denotes that you will overcome your rivals in business if you are a tradesman, or if you are a politician that you will confound your political enemies.

It is likewise good luck to dream of seeing others with very long nails, though it is better to dream of having them yourself.

A dream of fingernails of the ordinary length is significant of moderate success and of a quiet life, though there are a few pessimists who do not approve of fingernails in dreams unless they are very long.

Source: Indiana daily times. (Indianapolis [Ind.]), 15 June 1920.

Author: StrangeAgo