An amusing news report published in 1912 tells us that a group of husbands had to ask the police to stop their wives from gambling at a hairdresser establishment. The women were caught playing a game of poker and the police arrested them.
Police Called On to Help Husbands Handle Their Wives

NEW YORK. September 27, 1912. — Several anonymous letters from husbands who complained that their wives were gambling in a hairdressing establishment resulted in a raid tonight by the police.
As the police rushed in, five women were engaged in a game of poker, while three other women stood over them, so fascinated by the game they did not even notice the presence of the police.
When the women, all of whom gave fictitious names and addresses, were told they were under arrest, their screams brought the theater crowds and the streets were so blocked that the reserves had to be called.
Source: The San Francisco call. (San Francisco [Calif.]), 28 Sept. 1912.