Imagine a bank made just for women. That is what opened up in New York City back in 1902, during a time when all money matters were in the domain of men. The bank was decorated with the American woman in mind and on its first day of operation, received $155,000 in deposits.
New York Institution Promises to Be Great Success
A new woman’s bank, opened in Thirty-fourth street recently, ended its first day’s business with deposits aggregating $155,000. It seems only a few years since it was a difficult and somewhat embarrassing matter for a woman to secure bank accommodation. Now she is tempted by lures of handsomely furnished rooms, pretty stationery, new styles in checkbooks, so important has her patronage become to banks that make a specialty of it.
The French woman has always been a financier, the American only recently. With her emancipation has come an understanding of business affairs the transaction of which in a former generation was left to the men folks. The new way is the better by far. [Source]