Make a Leech Weather Barometer

Well, it can’t be any worse than the weather forecast we get these days. Apparently, people would use leeches to help them predict the weather. According to the lore and current science websites, leeches can often predict good and bad weather. We observe their behavior, calm or restless, and translate the behavior into a basic weather forecast.

An Odd Barometer

A common leech makes a good barometer. Fill a tumbler half full with water, put the leech into it, and tie a piece of muslin over the top to keep the leech from getting out. All you have to do to find out what sort of weather we are going to have is to watch the little animal.

For example, when the day is to be fine the leech will remain at the bottom of the glass, coiled up in spiral shape and quite motionless. If rain may be expected it will creep to the top of the glass and stay there until it clears off.

If the leech twists itself and is very restless there is going to be a wind storm. If it keeps out of the water for several days look out for a thunderstorm.

The indications for frosty weather are the same as for fine, and for snow the same as for rain. In fact, a leech is almost as good a forecaster as the weather man himself.

Source (1903, January 09). An odd barometer. The Rice Belt Journal, p. 6.

Author: StrangeAgo