Wealthy man calls servants with bugle and eats his dessert first

The rich do weird things. In this 1912 report, we find a rich guy (with way too much time on his hands) doing everything he can to annoy those around him, much like rich guys do today.

Calls Servants by a Bugle

VIENNA — By his topsy-turvy eccentricities a wealthy young Pole is gaining much notoriety here.

He lives in sumptuous style, but always summons his servants by bugle call.

He takes delight in driving an omnibus, and, although he is said to spend a fortune each year on clothes, he will put on no garment until it has been worn by his valet.

He has astonished guests at a ball by appearing in white clothes and a black shirt.

To complete his oddities, when dining he begins his meal with the sweets and ends with soup.

Source: The Seattle star. (Seattle, Wash.), 23 Feb. 1912.

Author: StrangeAgo