The headless body of a woman was discovered in Lake Contrary in 1920. The body was bound and weighed down. Days earlier, a blood-stained car was discovered a few miles away.
Headless Body Found in Lake Contrary

Authorities tonight had no clue to the identity of the young woman whose headless body was found today in Lake Contrary near here.
The body was nude, bound with wire clothes-line, and weighted with iron bed rails.
It was the theory of the police that the murder was committed some distance from the lake and that the body was taken there to be disposed of.
They also believe that the slayers intended to throw the body into the Missouri River, but made the mistake as the river is only 200 yards from the lake at the point where the body was found.
The police were informed that a blood-stained automobile containing stained clothing was found early this week at Armour Junction, Mo., 27 miles south of St. Joseph. It is believed that this car may have had some connection with the crime.
Source: Carrizozo outlook. (Carrizozo, N.M.), 18 June 1920.