Posted in History

Human hair used in lighthouse electric fog bell

Human hair was used to operate an electric fog bell 100 years ago. The logic behind that hair use was that hair stretches when damp…

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Posted in Ancient Greece

The Worship of Hera, Queen of the Gods

Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, and family, was one of the most important and widely worshipped deities in ancient Greek religion. She…

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Posted in History

Biggest booze raids promised, New Jersey almost impossible to dry up

During Prohibition, newspapers were always filled with articles about booze raids and attempts to take away alcohol from the people. As we all know, their…

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Posted in History

Woman sleepwalks out into below zero temperatures, freezes to death

In the winter of 1924, Indianapolis and surrounding areas was experiencing below freezing temperatures. A woman, 45, got out of bed and left her house…

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Posted in Viking/Norse

Hel: The Norse Queen of the Underworld and Her Realm Between Life and Death

In Norse mythology, Hel is a complex and intriguing figure who presides over the realm also named Hel. She rules over those who have died…

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Posted in History

Father left daughter chained around the neck for days, kept key pocket

I’ve covered this topic before: children chained up like animals. It was certainly a major problem in the past, and one that we don’t hear…

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Posted in Ancient Egypt Uncategorized

Hekau: Unveiling the Sacred Words of Power in Ancient Egyptian Magic

Hekau, in ancient Egyptian belief, refers to sacred words of power or spells that were central to their magical practices. These “words of power” were…

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Posted in History

Woman whipped rival with dog leash, charged with assault

Jealousy reared its ugly head when Mrs. Eitner found out he husband was giving a widowed woman car rides to town. One day she grabbed…

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Posted in History

1924 immigrant quota law scored as inhumane

Anti-immigration policies have always plagued U.S. politics, as we see below in the article published 100 years ago in 1924. What I find particularly interesting…

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Posted in History

Man plunges 5,000 feet from airplane to cure deafness, fails

Joseph Kling dreamed of joining the Army, but his deafness prevented his acceptance into such a career. In 1924, he decided to test out a…

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