Posted in Tragedies

8 Unhappy Incidents Ending in “Ground Into Mincemeat”

On more than one occasion I have read the phrase “ground into mincemeat” while skimming through newspaper articles in the National Archives. So, today I…

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Posted in History

4 People Who Were Tied to the Railroad Tracks

As a child I watched cartoons where characters were bound with rope and tossed onto the railroad tracks. I never realized that this actually happened…

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Posted in History

5 of the Darnedest Arrests of 1895

In this compilation, we take a look at a few arrests made back in 1895. 1. Sold Fake Petrified Human Body First, we have an…

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Posted in History

5 WTFork News Reports from the Past

After having spent yet another day deep in the newspaper archives, I have decided to compile yet another list of unusual news reports from the…

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Posted in History

Richmond Virginia Doctor had One Helluva Day

One fine day in September 1906, a Richmond, Virginia doctor had one hell of a day. From stitching to dressing wounds, he spent the day…

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Posted in History

5 of the Best History Books About Giants

When studying the history of our ancestors it is always fun to take a break and dive into something unusual such as history books about…

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Posted in History

Henry Ford’s Support of the Nazis

Henry Ford was one of the most influential people in the automotive industry. He is also one of the most controversial figures in history because…

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Posted in History

History of US Patents and Strange Inventions

Below is a fascinating article published in 1912 that covers the origin and history of the US patents office and ends with a bunch of…

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Posted in Viking/Norse

4 Best History Books About Viking Women

So much is written about Viking men, but what about Viking women? What part did women play in Viking society and how accurately or inaccurately…

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Posted in Tragedies

A Train, an Elevator, and a Bridge – 3 Gruesome Reports from the Past

Because these “bad news” collections are so popular, I spent the day collecting a few gruesome reports from the newspaper archives just for you. Lakeshore…

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