Posted in History

Gruesome US Civil War Amputation Facts

Visiting the Civil War battlefields around Richmond, Virginia raised a lot of questions about the boys and men who were injured during the Civil War….

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Posted in History

The Girl Who Ate the General’s Letter – Revolutionary War

Revolutionary War General Greene needed to get a message to General Sumter, but after none of his men volunteered for the job, an 18-year-old Emily…

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Posted in History

9 Brutal Realities of America’s Civil War

It is estimated that anywhere between 620,000 to 850,000 soldiers died in America’s Civil War from 1861 to 1865. while the war between North and…

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Posted in History

Civil War Toothpowder for Brushing Teeth

A lot of interesting, do-it-yourself items were published in newspapers during the Civil War including the following recipe for toothpowder. I am placing this recipe…

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Posted in History

Civil War Confederate Soldier Recipes 1861

In 1855, Seyer wrote a list of easy recipes for soldiers in the field and the recipes were printed again for use by the Confederates…

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Antiseptic Kissing Screen From 1912

There was a huge kissing phobia in the early 1900s and it was recommended to use lemons and an antiseptic kissing screen if there was…

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Man Torn to Pieces By Wolves

In 1888, a reporter traveled to Russia and asked an official there about how many people were killed by wolves each year. The official replied,…

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Flying Fish Merry Go Round

Check out this “flying” fish merry go round car invented in 1904. I must admit that when it comes to carnival rides, the only one…

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Father Pushed Toddler Through Glass to Cure It

The past is filled with numerous strange and dangerous cures for illness, including this Romanian cure for convulsions. This news report appeared in 1909 and,…

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4 Historical Cases of Foster Child Abuse That Will Anger You

There are excellent foster parents who provide children with love and care and then there are those who beat and abuse the innocent lives placed…

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