Category: History
Buffalo Bill Show Ads From the Past
In the early 1900s, Buffalo Bill was all the rage. He traveled across the U.S. and drew in crowds, young and old. The following are…
News Bits and Humor Pieces From May 1858
It was spring and there were a lot of news bits and humor pieces related to marriage back in March of 1858. The following pieces…
Sayings, Humor, And Cruel Realities From March 1838
The following bits of news comes from newspapers published in 1838. It gives the overall feel of the times, the personalities of the peoples, the…
8 Things You Did Not Know About the Lackawanna River’s Past
Lackawanna was my third grade, extra credit spelling word, but little did my teacher know that the Lackawanna River had quite a history. River on…
Unique News Bits From 1800
The following short bits of unusual news were collected from newspapers printed in 1800. Each short article is distinct for its time, giving readers a…
Illuminatism Published in 1800
For all of the believers in the Illuminati, here is part of an article I discovered on “Illuminatism.” It was printed in a newspaper from…
Punishments Given to Patients Inside the Old Insane Asylums
What went on inside the old insane asylums was never a calm and healing sight. There were punishments, long periods of extreme boredom, and days…
Things That Really Happened in the Old Asylums
There were many odd stories that came out of the old mental asylums, and, fortunately for history’s sake, newspapers from the past would publish these…
Textbook for Paris Thieves
Back in 1895, a notorious Parisian thief wrote a handbook on how to rob and steal. Sort of like the Anarchist Cookbook of the 1970s,…
Odd News and Weird Humor From June 1858
In June of 1858, the local papers gave some brutal advice on how to get rid of bedbugs and reported on the cyclops horse. What…