Posted in History

Hoodoo Mummy Of The Titanic

Here is another retelling of the myth of the cursed mummy on the Titanic. Published in 1914, this retelling states that the mummy case was…

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Posted in History

Girl Soldier in the American Civil War

The 1800 and 1900s are filled with stories about women and girls who disguised their gender to do the things that only men were allowed…

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Posted in History

Gigantic Obelisk Found At Assuan Heaviest Known

1922 was the year of great ancient Egyptian discoveries. It was also the year when Egypt decided to take a step towards preserving its incredible…

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Posted in History

Ismay was the Coward of the Titanic

J. Bruce Ismay, the man who had the Titanic built, was on that fated ship the night it struck an iceberg. He was also on…

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Posted in History

5 Awful Things That Happened In The Old Icehouses

Before there were freezers, there were icehouses. The early icehouses were built underground. Later, they were insulated and built above ground. Eventually, electricity was introduced,…

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Posted in History

Early Report of Polio Called Infant Paralysis

Polio was originally called “infant paralysis.” The newspaper report below comes from 1922, 33 years before a safe vaccination was discovered and used on the…

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Posted in History

Fears of Biowarfare in 1902

Biowarfare is nothing new, and when you begin reading newspapers from over 100 years ago you will see that people had the same exact fears…

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Posted in History

Kipling Gave Poetic Warning Against Spot Where Titanic Sank

Should the captain of the crew of the Titanic known that the skip was in danger when they entered that fateful spot so many years…

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Posted in History

Business Man Sold American Girls Overseas

This story comes from 1912. Surprised? Don’t be. In fact, American women have been kidnapped and sold to other countries since the writing of the…

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Titanic’s Fifth Officer Rats Out Ismay

Ismay, the controlling builder of the Titanic, will forever be known as a coward. While on the maiden voyage (and only voyage) of the Titanic,…

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