Posted in Tragedies

5 Stories of Deadly Bee Stings

I love bees and all that they do when it comes to pollination and making honey. However, getting unexpectedly stung by more than one bee…

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Posted in Tragedies

5 More People Bound to Logs and Some Lived to Tell Their Stories

After researching the previous article on people tied to logs, I decided to continue looking into this gruesome punishment from the past and I have…

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Posted in Tragedies

5 Stories of People Who Fell Off Bridges

While viewing some old photos of bridges, I casually wondered if anyone ever fell off these old bridges, and sure enough I found the stories…

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Posted in Tragedies

8 Unhappy Incidents Ending in “Ground Into Mincemeat”

On more than one occasion I have read the phrase “ground into mincemeat” while skimming through newspaper articles in the National Archives. So, today I…

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Posted in Tragedies

A Train, an Elevator, and a Bridge – 3 Gruesome Reports from the Past

Because these “bad news” collections are so popular, I spent the day collecting a few gruesome reports from the newspaper archives just for you. Lakeshore…

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Posted in History Tragedies

First Hand Accounts of the Wreck of SS Valencia

“All hope gone! “Not a woman on board is saved! “Such was the pitiless message that flashed over the wires last night to the Van…

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Posted in History Tragedies

Firsthand Accounts of the Empress of Ireland Tragedy

The RMS Empress of Ireland was an ocean liner that sank near the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River after the Norwegian collier SS Storstad…

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Posted in History Tragedies

The Cannibal Crew of the Whale Ship Essex

On August 12, 1819, the whale ship Essex left port in Nantucket, Massachusetts with plans to hunt down whales for their valuable oil, but the…

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Posted in History Tragedies

Women of the Titanic Chose to Die With Their Husbands

After the sinking of the Titanic, stories flooded the newspapers. Tragic accounts were told about the victims and the survivors, the fear, the resignation, and,…

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