Category: Make
How to Make a Sunflower Pincushion Craft From 1893
This neat sunflower pincushion can be made out of felt and brown velvet or felt fabric can be used for the center cushion. The instructions…
Sewing Box Shaped Like a Shoe Craft
Here is a craft project from 1915 that creates an ornamental shoe that can be used as a small sewing box. Personally, I think that…
Simple Square Pincushion Craft From 1912
For this simple pincushion, women would make a small silk “button” out of cardboard and silk. This would decorate the center of the pincushion, giving…
Chip Carving Instructions From 1897
During the warm summer months, I like to sit outside and make relief carvings of animals and flowers, but I must admit that I have…
Ping Pong Ball Pincushion Craft From 1904
A ping pong used in making a pincushion? Is there no decency left? The other day I said that women used every sort of object…
Voodoo Meets June Cleaver – Strange Wishbone Pincushion From 1907
Don’t want women to work outside the home? Fine, then we will make strange things out of chicken bones. No, seriously, we will. The following…
Instructions for Making a Daisy Pincushion From 1897
I think that a daisy pincushion is a brilliant idea, but I would make it differently than the instructions from 1897. For one, I would…
Stamp Covered Furniture Craft Project from 1897
When I read the following article about a man who decorated his furniture with stamps, I had to share it. I am a huge fan…
How to Make a 1906 Shamrock Pincushion
I wish I had found this pincushion pattern/idea before St. Paddy’s Day because it would have made a great gift for a friend of mine….
How to Make an Authentic Tomato Pincushion
If you don’t own a tomato pincushion, you’re a monster. Just kidding. I had one that was made in the seventies and I lost it…