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Cave of a hairy wild man found in Crum Lynne, Pennsylvania
A small group of fishermen were out fishing for carp when a wild, hairy man appeared and made strange noises at them. Terrified, the fishermen…
Rejected West Virginia man attempts to cremate 15-year-old girl
A West Virginia man, 28, was unsuccessful in wooing a girl, 15, and decided that if he could not have her then no one else…
Thor’s hammer: A symbol of power and strength
The Norse god Thor is one of the most powerful and popular gods in Norse mythology. He is the god of thunder and lightning, and…
Communicating with ET: Exploring the Beliefs of the Aetherius Society
The Aetherius Society is a spiritual organization founded by George King in 1956. King, who claimed to be a direct channel for extraterrestrial beings, established…
The art of shrunken head making
Shrunken heads, also known as tsantsas, are human heads that have been shrunken as a trophies and were used as a form of currency among…
Father breaks baby’s neck and gets two-year sentence
A Kansas City father came home from work and, because his daughter was crying again, decided to punish her. He snapped her neck and slammed…
Wild beast attacks steer in Mankato
A wild cat of some sort attacked a steer. The dog would not venture out and the prints at the scene were large. Beast Mangles…
The myth of the Narcissus flower
Who doesn’t love a good flower myth? Here is the retelling of the myth of the Narcissus flower, originally published in 1909. A Beautiful Flower…
How the Ancient Greeks worshiped Artemis
Artemis was one of the most widely worshipped goddesses in the ancient Greek world. She was the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin…
Ancient giant footprints found in Hampshire, Tennessee
Giant footprints were found in stone in Hampshire, Tennessee back in 1915. Supposed Giant’s Track is Found HAMPSHIRE, Tenn., August 13, 1915. — The community…