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Low Cost Beauty Tips From The Sixties
Published in 1962, this short list of low cost beauty tips is a glimpse into the life of a teenager during the sixties. Low Cost…
5 Reports of Kangaroo Attacks
For something a little different, I decided to visit Trove, an Australian newspaper archive created by the National Library of Australia. ( So, of course,…
5 Hay Wagon Accidents From The Good Old Days
Hay wagons may seem like part of a quaint past time, but in reality hay wagons were dangerous. In fact, a quick search through the…
Children’s Fortune Teller Paper Printout from 1902
Titled as a Children’s Horoscope, here is the fortune teller that children were encouraged to cut out of the newspaper, pin together, and tell their…
4 Rather Odd News Reports That Will Make You Go Hmmm
Hi everyone, this is Elizabeth from Strange Ago, and today I want to share a few newspaper stories that I found to be rather unusual,…
1906 Atlantic City Train Wreck – 53 Drowned
On October 28, 1906, a West Jersey and Seashore Railroad electric train fell off a draw bridge. 53 of the roughly 88 people on the…
Navajo Lightning Superstition
This article, published in 1900, explores the Navajo superstition that states it is very unlucky to make a fire out of wood that has been…
Some of the Worst Dislocated Neck Stories From the Past
In my previous article about dislocated necks, I covered mostly those who survived and their medical treatment. For this article, we are going to take…
Puppy was Coyote
There are so many stories about people adopting pets and discovering that they adopted a wild animal. This particular story was published in 1955: “About…
5 Insane Stories About Notes Pinned to Bodies
Hi everyone, this is Elizabeth from StrangeAgo and today my mood is rather dark. And so for this article we are going to take a…