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What to Know About the Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are a collection of spiritual records that contain all knowledge and information about every soul that has ever lived or will live….
Divination Basics for Beginners
There are many types of divination, but most can be divided in to two categories: direct and indirect. Direct divination is when the diviner is…
The Darkest Ad of 1901
Everyone has a favorite commercial or one that they simply cannot stand. But how about one that is so dark that it almost leaves you…
Mandrake Root History in Medicine and the Occult
The history of the mandrake root is long and fascinating. But before we dive too deep into the mandrake’s history, let’s take a look at…
Candle and Lamp Shade Crafting in Metal and Paper
While I have covered two articles about candle lamp shades previously, I wanted to share just one more post about this handicraft from the past….
Venus, Roman Love Goddess, was also the Goddess of Wild Strawberries
There’s no one quite like Venus when it comes to matters of love and attraction. She’s the Roman goddess of love and beauty, and her…
Origin of New Year’s Resolutions
What is the origin of making New Year’s resolutions, and is anyone still sticking to their resolution? We are in February and I think, according…
How People Protected Themselves From Witchcraft
The most curious thing people from long ago did to protect themselves from witchcraft was use spells, charms, talismans, amulets, and other forms of folk…
There were 82 Lynchings on US Soil in 1919
As I read through the old newspapers, I am always disgusted by the reports of lynching. The report below, published in 1920, shows how prevalent,…
9 Most Popular Moon Goddesses
Many of us feel drawn to the moon goddesses, especially the more popular ones known in literature and art. Their mystery and power are alluring…