Tag: food
4 Historical Facts About Sandwiches
The first time I heard about the origin of sandwiches, it was in fourth grade. The teacher told the class the story of the Earl…
10 Strange Apple Superstitions From the Past
The apple tree and its fruit have been the center of superstitions and magical folklore for centuries. The fruit is associated with love, divination, good…
9 Weird and Wonderful Things You Can Do With Chocolate
If you thought chocolate was just for eating, think again. While we all love a chocolate treat, chocolate can be used for more than fulfilling…
Candy Recipe For Maple Creams 1917
The great thing about many old recipes is their simplicity. This recipe for maple creams is very easy to make and it was published during…
Orange Crafts From 1922
People in the past loved playing with food just as much as the folks on Pinterest do today. However, the crafts you see these days…
Clay Butter and Earth Bread
Would you use clay butter on earth baked bread? It might sound gross on the surface, but dirt is everywhere and, since the article below…
Heinz the Pickle King
We know Heinz as the ketchup brand, but the originator of the Heinz brand was actually called the Pickle King. When he was a boy,…
Origin Of The Mint Julep
Don’t know what all to do with the mint you have growing in your garden? How about making some mint juleps on a hot, summer…
Spices Used For Food Preservation
This piece comes from a time when food science was relatively new, so please don’t use it in place of the latest discoveries regarding spices…
1916 List Of Foods Forbidden To Baby Such As Beer And Whisky
Okay, folks. Don’t feed your baby beer. Keep the wine for yourself and skip the coffee, too. Here is a list of foods, published in…