Ancient Coins Found in Audierne France – Treasure Found

Old buildings can hide a lot of treasure, from lost letters, historical photographs, and, of course, money. While this report was written in October 1903, the truth still holds that treasures can be found almost anywhere. People would hide coins, gold nuggets, gems, and other assorted valuables wherever they felt was safe. Then, the hider would pass on, never revealing the hidden treasure.

Rich Find of Ancient Coins

Workmen engaged in raising an enormous slab of stone in an old house in Audierne, France, came upon over 2,000 ancient coins the other day, weighing about 120 pounds. A few of the coins are of the time of Louis XIII. The most ancient piece bears the date 1643, and the most recent 1709. In the latter year, in consequence of the terrible famine which was raging, a royal order was issued that the rich were to surrender their silver and forward it to the mint to be melted down. The king himself set the example, but certain provincial noblemen hid their fortunes. [Source]

Author: StrangeAgo