8 Fascinating Superstitions About St. John’s Wort

There are a lot of interesting superstitions associated with St. John’s Wort. Most of them are for protection and for finding love. You can find St. John’s Wort sold in capsule form in most drugstores. It is also sold as tea and you can grow your own in your garden. People often take it to reduce their anxiety and to help with depression.

Flight Of Demons

Back in the Middle Ages, the herb was called Fuga Daemonum, “flight of demons.” The herb’s yellow flower would be placed over the lips of some poor soul accused of witchcraft because people believed that it would make them confess.

Devil Chaser

The ancient Romans hung St. John’s Wort inside their homes to chase away devils.

Visit The Dead

On the night of Midsummer’s Eve it was believed that if you placed a fresh sprig of St. John’s Wort under your pillow, you would leave your body during your sleep and visit the land of the dead.

Dream Of Future Spouse

If you want to learn who you will marry, place some St. John’s Wort under your pillow at night. In your dreams you will see your future mate.

At The Mercy Of The Fairies

To accidentally step on a St. John’s Wort plant will place you at the mercy of the fairies for one full day.

Protection Against Storms

To protect your home from storms and lightening you are supposed to gather St. John’s Wort on Midsummer’s Day and hang it in your windows.

To Never Tire

Place a flower from the St. John’s Wort plant in each of your shoes before taking a walk. It was believed that the flowers would protect you from tiring out during long journeys.

Protects Against Curses

If you feel that someone has cursed you or will curse you, make a sachet out of dried St. John’s Wort and carry it with you wherever your go.

Author: StrangeAgo