Bones Of Giant Found In Nevada In 1904

File this one under inconvenient archaeology. The bones of a “giant” were dug up in Nevada, 1904. This wasn’t the only place or time that this has happened, and sometimes you can find mention of giant bones in older newspaper reports.

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May Be Related To Cardiff Giant

Bones of a Human Skeleton Eleven Feet High Are Dug Up in Nevada

Winnemucca, Nev., Jan. 23. — Workmen engaged in digging gravel here today uncovered at a depth of about twelve feet a lot of bones, part of the skeleton of a gigantic human being.

Dr. Samuels examined them and pronounced them to be the bones of a man who must have been nearly eleven feet in height.

The metacarpal bones measure four and a half inches in length and are large in proportion. A part of the ulna was found and in its complete form would have been between seventeen and eighteen inches in length.

The remainder of the skeleton is being searched for.

Source: The Saint Paul Globe. Newspaper. January 24, 1904.

Author: StrangeAgo