Strange 1895 Report of Ball Lightning

Ball lightning is rare and fascinating. It is also seldom reported, so when we came across this report of ball lightning from 1895, we knew we had to share it with readers.

More Freakish Than Jersey Lightning

During a thunderstorm recently at Butte, Mon., lightning struck the residence of Fred C. Anderson, and a ball of fire like a cannon ball struck the roof and passed back and forth through every room of the house, going through partitions like a ball of iron, and for fully two minutes it gyrated about the house, making 11 large holes in walls and ceilings, melting picture wires and other metal in the rooms and finally escaping along the water pipes without setting fire to anything.

There were five persons in the house at the time, but the only injury they suffered was a bad fright and a temporary deafness.

Source: White Oaks Eagle newspaper. October 03, 1895.

Author: StrangeAgo