Lemons as Treatment for Rheumatism

Lemons are great for many things, but can they be used as a treatment for rheumatism? The following article appeared in The Rice Belt Journal in 1902 and describes a lemon procedure people were using the fix for their rheumatism. A quick search online shows that lemons, high in vitamin C, are still being used by people with rheumatism.

Lemons for Rheumatism.

The idea of treating rheumatism with lemon juice appears to have had its rise in Germany. The method consists of swallowing the juice of one lemon on the first day, and two on the second day, and so on progressive up to twenty-five lemons. When this limit is reached the number of lemons is progressively diminished.

M. Desplats of Lille, has recently adopted this treatment with some of his patients who are suffering from articular rheumatism. In one case the patient was able to drop the treatment at three lemons. In another he succeeded in effecting a cure at twenty-five lemons so complete and so persistent that at the end of ten months the patient had not once had an attack, whereas previously he had suffered periodically every month. The third case was one of ankylosis, so bad that the patient could not dress himself without help. Today he has almost entirely recovered the use of his limbs and is free from pain. [Source]

Author: StrangeAgo