Visions of the Virgin Mary in 1874

Visions of the Virgin Mary were popular in days gone by. Whether people believe or not, the circumstances of and reactions to the visions are always fascinating. In this case, a young girl started receiving visions of the Virgin Mary and went on to heal people. This report was given on February 28, 1874.

Miracles in France

A young girl living at Fontet, in the neighborhood of Bordeaux, is reported not only to receive visits from the Virgin, but also to be endowed with the power of curing sick persons by the laying on the hands. Surnamed “La Voyante,” she is the wonder of the country round, and crowds flock to her cottage to be healed of their diseases. One man, who had been stricken with paralysis for many years, repaired to Fontet a few weeks ago to be operated upon. The process is thus described by two witnesses, one of them a doctor, who are ready to attest the truth of their account:

A medal of St. Benedict was pressed against the patient’s neck, and he was sprinkled with holy water. A terrible crisis then ensued, for he fell to the ground in convulsions, uttering loud cries. But in a few seconds the Virgin appeared; the sufferer became immediately calm, and recited the litanies to her in a very devout tone. Although not quite cured on the spot, he was so much better that he was able to walk, and the Virgin assured “La Voyante” that he would be completely delivered from the evil spirit in a few days. In order that the evil spirit might not enter into the body of “La Voyante,” it was deemed prudent to sprinkle her also with holy water, and as the writer of this account remarks, the devil has so great an objection to holy water that he would certainly have testified to his presence in the chamber by some convulsion had he been lodged there.

Cardinal Dounet, Archbishop of Bordeaux, has forbidden his clergy to take any part in these manifestations, for which, however, the promoters of them console themselves by reflecting that the Blessed Virgin will place the truth beyond doubt when the proper time arrives. [Source]

Author: StrangeAgo