Okay, I have officially heard it all when it comes to weird cures. Here is an article, found in a 1903 newspaper, that announces that whistling helps to cure indigestion and dyspepsia. Being one of those folks who can’t whistle to save her life, I ask that one of my readers try whistling away a belly ache and let me know if it works.
Writer in Medical Journal Advocates Making of Melody.
When the throes of indigestion are making your life miserable, just purse the lips and whistle a brisk, merry tune says Medical Talk.
Not a muffled, doleful, half hearted whistle, but a whistle so deep and voluminous that the whole house will be filled with the sound.
Don’t be afraid somebody will hear you. Let them hear you. It will do them good. It will enliven and cheer them while it cures you.
Indigestion and dyspepsia always make one feel gloomy and depressed and morbid and gloomy. Everything seems to go wrong and doubtless you won’t feel one bit like whistling. But no matter, whistle anyhow.
If possible, go out into the fresh air and do your whistling. If you can’t go outdoors, just open the window wide and whistle with all your might. Any old tune will do, so you put life and vigor into it.
Whistle, whistle, whistle. Keep it going. Don’t get tired. Go on with all your might. Harder, harder.
The first thing you know the stomach will have righted itself, the liver will be working good and strong, the blood will be bounding through your veins, your brain will be clear and vigorous, and you will feel twenty years younger. [Source]