A Laxative Diet From 1895

Dieting is nothing new and people still believe that pooping everything out helps them loose real weight. Only thing laxative diets do are eliminate the waste in your system and deprive your body of essential nutrients. In other words, laxative diets are a waste of time.

The following laxative diet comes from an 1895 newspaper.

A Laxative Diet

For a laxative diet Mrs. Rorer recommends, first of all, an abundant use of fats.

If bread is used, it should be whole wheat bread, with a goodly quantity of butter. Masticate it thoroughly.

At least once, and better twice a day, take lettuce or cress or tomatoes, with plenty of oil and very little acid, the acid used being lemon juice, and not vinegar.

Eat also a little fat with meat and masticate thoroughly.

Tea should not be used, and just before taking coffee, drink at least half a glass of cold, not ice, water. Take a half pint of water the first thing in the morning before retiring.

Do not eat sweets, but fruit may be taken, and a few nuts — peanuts, well roasted, in moderation, Brazil nuts, or about six almonds — at the close of the dinner.

Avoid cake and pastry.

Use an abundance of green vegetables, and have potatoes baked, never fried. Boiled rice is a good substitute.

Do not drink milk at mealtime — preferably not at all while taking the diet.

Steamed figs may be used at least once a day, and stewed cherries, prunes ripe peaches or grapes without the seeds are all admissible.

Source: White Oaks Eagle newspaper. October 17, 1895.

Author: StrangeAgo