10 Strange Things About Ghosts

1. Steel Protection

If you believe that a ghost is out to harm you, grab hold of something made of steel. As long as you are holding onto it, the ghost can do you no harm.

2. Seeing Double

Among the ancient Celts, it was believed that if you saw your ghostly twin, or wraith, death would soon befall you.

3. The Graveyard at Midnight

Among the superstitious, it is said that if you want to start seeing ghosts, you must go to the graveyard and stand on the grave of a relative at midnight. You must do this all alone.

4. Ram, Ram!

In Bengal, the way to scare off a ghost, or any negative energies, is to shout out, “Ram, Ram!” No explanation is given as to why this works.

5. Watch Where You Stand

Avoid standing in the spot where you have just seen a ghost. Doing so can put you under the ghost’s influence. The only way to prevent this is by sprinkling the area with salt to get rid of the ghost’s residual energies.

6. The Ghost of Someone Living

History is filled with reports of seeing someone’s ghost immediately upon their death. Because of this, it is believed that if you see the ghost of someone you thought was alive, he is now deceased. This is made doubly true if the face of the ghost appears blurred.

7. Burn the Body

It wasn’t too long ago when people, after seeing the ghost of someone recently buried, would dig the body back up and burn it. Villagers did not want a restless ghost wandering about the streets and homes.

8. Ghostly White Rabbit

In parts of the United States, it was believed that if you saw a ghostly white rabbit in the morning, either you or someone close to you was about to die.

9. Beeswax Candles

In some areas throughout Europe it was believed that ghosts were attracted to beeswax candles. To burn a lot of beeswax candles in your home will attract any ghosts that may have otherwise passed by.

10. Ask a Question

In folklore, if you are being troubled by ghosts, you should confront them and ask them what they want. Most ghosts will not be able to answer this simple question and will leave you alone.

Author: StrangeAgo