13 Spooky Death Omens You Will Want to Avoid

Sometimes it seems like just about anything can set off a death omen, especially when you are reading up on worldwide superstitions. While an entire book could easily be filled on the subject of death omens, I decided to choose a lucky 13 death omens to list for this article. I will be adding other death omens to other articles on superstitions for those who like the creepier side of folk beliefs.

1. Adder Snake

An old English belief is that if you see an adder snake by the front door, there will soon be a death within the home.

2. Apple Tree Blossoms

If an apple tree suddenly blossoms out of season and while it is still bearing apples, there will soon be a death in the family according to British belief. Of course, anything that happens out of season is an omen of some sort of death.

3. Axe

In many countries it is believed that bringing an axe into the home will bring a death in the family.

4. Bats

If a bat flies around a house three times, there will be a death within.

5. Beetle Walkabout

You will soon die if a beetle walks over a shoe you are wearing.

6. Bird Through a Window

It is an omen of death if a bird flies in and then out of a room through an open window.

7. Tap, Tap, Tapping

It doesn’t matter if it is a raven or a finch, a.  bird tapping on a window foretells of death.

8. Halloween Blood

If you accidentally cause an injury to yourself and bleed on Halloween, it is an omen of your coming death.

9. Split Bread

A loaf of bread that splits open while baking foretells of a coming death.

10. Bread Coffin

If you cut open a loaf of bread and find a large hole in its center, it symbolizes the coffin of a family member who will soon die.

11. Nighttime Butterfly

It is an omen of your own death to see a butterfly flying about at night.

12. Dropped Loaf

If you drop a loaf of bread onto the floor while you are getting it out of the oven, there will be a death in the family before the year is out. The only way to avert this is to quickly pick up the loaf and give it a kiss.

13. Black Phantom Dogs

To see a black phantom dog while out walking at night was a sure sign that you were about to die.

Author: StrangeAgo