Strange Things You Didn’t Know About the Luck of a Rabbit’s Foot

While growing up, small shops everywhere in the United States had a bin or two of rabbit’s feet for sale. There were the “natural” rabbit’s foot and the gaudy colored rabbit’s foot. Needless to say, my mother never allowed me to get one, and I really can’t say that I blame her.

So, where did the idea come from that the rabbit’s foot was lucky? What is the origin of the superstition? Read on, Cottontail.

A Hare, Not A Silly Rabbit

First off, we have it all wrong. It is the hare’s foot that is lucky, not the rabbit’s foot. People often confuse the two and eventually the rabbit’s foot took the place of the hare’s foot.

Eyes Wide Open

Hares are born with their eyes open. To our ancestors, this gave hares a special gift of sight. They were considered wise animals. The Celts believed that hares watched the whole process of life, from embryo to birth to death. Hares were all-seeing.


Hares burrow underground. Amongst the Celts, this linked hares to the underworld or netherworld. They saw the secrets that were denied to mortal man in life.

Great Fertility

Anyone who has ever kept rabbits would know that it starts with just two, and before long you have dozens upon dozens of rabbits. Hares are no different. Our ancestors saw how fast hares could reproduce and associated the animals with fertility. Fertility, in the minds of our ancestors, also meant good luck, good fortune, and prosperity.

Quick On Their Feet

One of the most obvious reasons why the rabbit/hare’s foot is so lucky is because the animals are fast on their feet. They are experts at dodging cars, dogs, and people. This led many people to keep a rabbit’s foot on them, especially burglars and people who were running from something.

It Doesn’t Have To Be The Foot

To possess any part of the rabbit is considered lucky. It could be the tail, a bit of dried rabbit meat, or the ear. Even a rabbit bone was lucky to have. For people who don’t want to carry around a piece of dead animal, there are also rabbit charms that are believed to give a person the same amount of luck and good fortune.

Moon Association

Finally, rabbits and hares are also associated with the moon and the lunar goddesses and gods. The mysteries of the night and of the otherworlds are associated with both animals, but hares are still considered to be the more powerful of the two.

Author: StrangeAgo