Wacky Theory on the Origin of Men From 1902

Where was the origin of men? Most of us subscribe to the theory that mankind originated in Africa, possibly parts of Asia. Some people believe that we are aliens from another planet who came here after some great disaster. In another 100 years, there will no doubt be newer, more popular theories. Until then, while I was digging through the old newspapers, I found this snippet about a professor who claimed that the Arctic regions were our original habitat. If you follow conspiracy theories, you may understand that this also fits right in with the hollow earth theories.


Prof. Dyche Advances Theory That the First Men Lived in the Arctic Regions.

Prof. Dyche of the University of Kansas, recently gave an informal lecture at the University club at Kansas City. His subject was “The Original Habitat of Man,” and he advanced the theory that the first men inhabited the northern part of Greenland and the territory surrounding the poles.

In his trip to the northern part of Greenland Prof. Dyche found fossils of the sequoia, or California redwood tree. As an illustration of the fight of animals against advancing inclement nature Prof. Dyche cited the case of the mammoth, which was at first a heat loving animal. Those which refused to leave their northern home gradually grew hair as a protection. When the environment became too severe the species perished.

Prof. Dyche drew conclusions from  the flight of birds. He believes that birds migrate north to breed, because of an instinct acquired by centuries of returning to the original breeding grounds in the north. [Source]

Author: StrangeAgo