Cortez in Mexico Cutout Activity

This Cortez in Mexico cutout children’s activity was originally published in the newspaper Evening Star, July 18, 1909. To use, simply click on each image and print.

America’s History in Cut-outs

Cortez in Mexico

Hernando Cortez was sent to conquer Mexico. After burning his ships to prevent any return, he marched on to the Mexican capital. Fighting his way through overwhelming numbers, he finally entered the city. The Emperor Montezuma received him kindly.

Cortez treacherously seized the Emperor as a hostage. While endeavoring to appease his people, Montezuma was slain. The enraged people then drove the Spaniards from the city, but after a fierce battle, the Spaniards were victorious.

The fate of Mexico was now sealed.

In August 1521 the city was again captured, making a complete victory for the Spaniards.

Author: StrangeAgo