The Halloween Rose Test

This old Halloween rose test, fortune telling in its finest when it comes to folklore, helps a young woman know if the man that she loves will love her back.

The Rose Test For Girls

Choose one for yourself and one for your lover.

This requires two roses with long stems. American Beauties are splendid for this purpose. You must try the test in solitude, preferably in your own room.

You must kneel down, fix your eyes on the rose chosen for your lover, twine the stems of the two flavors together and repeat the following aloud:

“Twine, twine and intertwine,

Let my love be wholly thine.

If his heart be kind and true,

Deeper grow his rose’s hue.”

If your lover loves you truly, the rose should grow deeper in color.

Source: Evening Public Ledger. Newspaper. October 31, 1914.

Author: StrangeAgo