Duel Between Chicago Gamblers Is An Epic Fail

We have all seen the movies where two gamblers head outside to shoot each other up. Well, these things did happen, but the shooting wasn’t at all as epic as it is in Hollywood. Take, for instance, these two bumble futzes:

Duel Between Chicago Gamblers

Chicago, March 25. — Johnny Dowling and Joe Martin, noted gamblers, have been laying for each other to settle an old feud. Yesterday morning they met in Gambler’s alley, and after ferociously eyeing each other, pulled their pistols and opened a desperate duel. People fled in all directions, creating great excitement. They fired five times each, hitting a cat, doors, windows, and everything except each other. The cat died. Dowling was arrested yesterday evening. A private commission will arbitrate the trouble, and adjust damages on breakage of windows by the bullets.

Source: Daily Evening Bulletin newspaper. March 27, 1883.

Author: StrangeAgo