How to Make a Fruit Jar Lamp

Here is how people in the early 1900s took a canning jar and made it into a lamp for a hunting camp or out of pure necessity. I have not tried this and I do not know how safe it is and, on that note, I am placing this here for research purposes only.

Fruit Jar Lamp

A fruit jar makes the finest sort of a lamp for the hunting camp, if the hunter will make a few preparations before he leaves home.

The top of the fruit jar should have a hole cut through it just large enough to permit a lamp burner to be screwed into it. This can be an extra top and another top used on the jar when it is packed.

It can be packed with the oil in it, if desired. An ordinary wick and chimney complete the lamp.

Source: The Day Book (Chicago, Illinois newspaper). September 05, 1912.

Author: StrangeAgo