Lost Gold Mine in Southwestern Arizona

There are innumerable tales of lost treasures and lost gold mines in the United States and in numerous other countries. During the times of the gold rushes, from Arizona to California to way up in Alaska, many men found and then lost their gold treasure. It is unknown if any of them were refund, sometime later, by another property owner or gold mining business, but there is always the hope that some of these old lost gold mines can be rediscovered.

Forgot the Location of Bonanza Gold Mine

“Theres a man with a hard luck story beside which our troubles look like 30 cents,” said one human derelict to another as they stood in front of a New York cheap lodging house. The man to whom he referred had just emerged from the building. He slouched along in a despondent way, with downcast eyes, stooped shoulders and that look of resigned hopelessness peculiar to those who have long been well-nigh penniless and never expect to be anything else. As he disappeared into a neighboring saloon the man who had pointed him out to his companion resumed his story.

“I knew that fellow well when we were both prospecting for gold in Southwestern Arizona. He, like most of us, had been at it a long time without having any luck, and was down to hard pan, when one day he suddenly turned up with a bunch of nuggets rich enough in gold to make your eyes pop out of your head. He started in to whoop it up, and whoop it up he did until his stake was gone. Meanwhile he had told enough to convince us all that he had found a bonanza, but no amount of persuasion would induce him even to hint at its location. About the time he went broke, the ‘rot gut’ he’d been drinking got in its work and he had the ‘Willies’ as bad as I ever saw a man have ‘em. When he came to his memory was gone. Not a single event in his past could he recall for months, when some portions of it began to come slowly back to him. The location of his bonanza where nuggets of the richest kind could be picked up from the surface could never again be recalled by him, not even a general idea as to its direction, and to this day it remains among the many lost gold mines of that locality.”

“Gee, that’s enough to make a man swear off forever, and I’d do it if I thought I could remember where there is a gold mine,” said the second derelict as he and his companion followed the “man with a history” into the saloon. [Source]

Author: StrangeAgo