Man Asked for Permit to Kill His Family

When life is at its absolutely worse, some people feel that the only option available to them is death. While the story below comes from a 1911 newspaper, there are still many cases today when people kill their families and themselves because, to them, there just doesn’t seem to be a way out of the poverty and misfortune.

Asked City for Permit to Kill His Family

Louisville, Nov. 24. — John M. McCord applied at the office of City Attorney Robinson today for a permit to kill his family ad then himself, because they were destitute.

“My wife is ill and without medical attention; my children are starving, and we have been ordered out of our home by the landlord. I cannot find work, and I guess we’d be better off dead,” said McCord.

The police said McCord’s statements are true, and the family is being cared for.

Source: (1911, November 24). Asked City for Permit to Kill His Family. The Day Book, p. 27.

Author: StrangeAgo