Lost Dutchman Mine Reported Discovered in 1914

There must have been numerous mines and mining tunnels within the Superstition Mountains in Arizona because newspapers from the past are filled with claims to have found the lost dutchman mine, such as this one printed in 1914.

Lost Dutchman Mine Reported Discovered

Sylvester Portella, familiarly known as “Scotty,” a well-known character of the Globe, Ariz. mining district, has found what he believed to be the Lost Dutchman mine. While out prospecting recently one of his burros strayed away, and it was during the hunt for that animal that he came upon the old workings in an isolated place in the mountains. Crude mining implements, decayed by age, were in the tunnel, which was cut in solid formation. On the floor of the tunnel he found the bones of a human forearm, but no other portion of the body from which it came. A small quantity of ore was picked up in a drift and taken to Globe for assay and the value was more than $100. The story of the Lost Dutchman mine is one that is familiar to all the prospectors of the southwest and it has been search for both in Arizona and California.

Source: Sierra County advocate. (Kingston, N.M.), 30 Oct. 1914.

Author: StrangeAgo