Woman Holds Up Burglar With A Spoon

A burglar broke into their house and the elder sister held the burglar up with a silver spoon. I thought this sort of thing only happened in the movies, but apparently not. The image below is the actual image of the sisters.

Girl Overawes Thief With Spoon While Sister Summons Police

Young Woman Holds Midnight Prowler Until Policeman Comes By Ruse

This is the story of a young man who was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but who has lived long enough to feel one jab him in the small of his back, and to regret the incident. Bertha A. Miller, twenty-seven years old, an architect, of No. 471 West 21st Street, did the jabbing, and Michael Amio faced Magistrate W. Bruce Cobb in Jefferson Market Court yesterday morning on a charge of burglary as a result.

Miss Miller lives with her sister, and, according to the story, both were asleep early Sunday morning when a noise aroused them. The young woman grabbed a silver spoon from the sideboard and went into the hall. Pointing the spoon at the intruder she ordered him to throw up his hands. She then invited him into a sitting room and jabbed him with the spoon as an added inducement.

Her sister, Marie, twenty-four years old, then blew a police whistle, and when Policeman William Eberhart arrived Miss Miller turned Amio over to him, saying:

“Here he is officer. I’m awfully tired holding this spoon.”

Amin admitted in court he has a police record and is out on parole. He was held on $2,000 bail.

Source: The Evening World newspaper. January 03, 1921. New York, N.Y.

Author: StrangeAgo