Odd Superstitions About Ashes

Ashes have long been a symbol for fertility and many of the superstitions about ashes reflect this fact. They have also been used in good luck charms and for healing.

Yule Log

The precious Yule log, burnt on Christmas Day, can bring a person good fortune for the whole coming year if a pinch of the ashes are kept on hand inside a pouch or vial.

Wood Ashes

always carry a little bag of wood ashes on your person. Doing so will prevent accidents and protect you against diseases, according to one old superstition.

Crop Protection

The ashes from large bonfires burned on Easter and Beltane were scattered on fields and garden for a fruitful harvest.

Bring Rain

Throwing ashes into the air will bring rain.


In Britain, just married women would jump over a pile of wood ashes to ensure their fertility.

Midsummer Boost

The ashes from a fire, burned on Midsummer night, were spread on fruit trees, fields, and gardens to add growing power to the plants.

No Cleaning Ashes

If you clean the ashes out of the fireplace or wood stove on Friday, you are asking for a round of bad luck.

Protection Against Lightning

In France it was believed that ashes scattered about the home prevented it from being struck by lightning.

Author: StrangeAgo