Rose Superstitions From Long Ago

The beautiful roses we grow in our gardens have a long history in the world’s mythologies and religions, so it is not surprising that there are superstitions about these believed flowers, as well.

Death Omen

If, while holding a rose, all the petals fall off of it, it is an omen that you will soon die.

Fairy Castles

The rose flower is the key that unlocks fairy castles, according to old German superstitions.

Rose Leaves

Rose leaves must never touch the floor. It brings bad luck,

To Choose a Lover

If a woman (or man) cannot make up her mind about which lover to choose, she must pick as many rose leaves as there are choices. She must then name each leaf after a lover and place them all on water. The first leaf to sink is the lover she should choose.

Protect the Dead

Ancient Romans planted rose bushes on graves to prevent evil spirits from harming the dead.

For Some Good Luck

If your day is rather crappy, throw some rose leaves onto a burning fire to turn things around.

Winter Bloom

If a summer rose blooms on the bush in December, a sickness is on the wind.

To Bring a Lover

Place dried rose petals under your mattress to draw a lover to your bed.

Author: StrangeAgo