What Does It Mean to be Abandoned in a Dream?

The lore of dreams is rich and full of possibilities, but what does it mean when you are abandoned in a dream?

Have you ever found yourself all alone in a dream when moments before you had a friend or loved one beside you? Perhaps you were standing in a room full of people and then they suddenly vanished from sight? No matter how you came to be abandoned in your dream, the abandonment itself is what is important.

In dream lore, this means that you have lost your way and have strayed from your usual path. You are now in unfamiliar territory and you are on your own in figuring things out.

While many books might say that this is an ominous dream, the reverse is quite true. You have stepped away from your normal life and are in pursuit of another path. Yes, you may have to face this new journey alone, but think of all that you have to gain from the experience.

Being abandoned in a dream is not bad or evil. You have just turned over a new page in your life and, like all adult, must make the hero’s journey without the help of others. No one can have the adventure for you. You must experience it for yourself.

If you find yourself abandoning other people in your dreams, it means you are leaving an unpleasant situation. It does not necessarily mean that you should walk away from those people in real life, but that some changes need to be made so that you can strike out and face your true destiny without anyone stopping you from reaching your goal.

Author: StrangeAgo