10 Superstitions About Wednesday or the Day of Woden

Wednesday is ruled by Woden, also known as Odin, and is also the day of Mercury. Traditionally, this was a day for business, communications, and, according to numerous old superstitions, the day to write letters.

1. Marriage

Wednesday is considered the best day of the week for having a wedding.

2. Salt

Salt spilled on this day will bring about a bad family argument.

3. Starting Something New

Never start something new on this day because it will only get half done.

4. Good Luck for Men

Wednesdays were considered good luck days for men in Egypt.

5. Gambling

This is a lucky day for gamblers and for playing the lottery.

6. Drive Away Bad Luck

To end a streak of bad luck, hit the top of your head three times on this day and your luck will turn to the better.

7. Gardening

Gardening on this day bring luck to the garden and ensures a heavy crop.

8. Spreading Rumors

Never spread rumors or speak ill of other people on this day. If you do, your words will come back to haunt you.

9. Nail Cutting

According to an old rhyme, cutting nails on this day is done for good health: “Cut them on Wednesday, cut them for health.”

10. Tooth Pulling

Should you get a tooth pulled on this day, you will bring shame and loss upon yourself, according to folklore.

Author: StrangeAgo