10 Superstitions About Tuesdays

Tuesday, according to superstition, is the day of Mars (Ares), god of war and agriculture. In some cultures, Tuesday is a day of ill fortune and in Greece, Spain, Venezuela, Chile, and Argentina, Tuesday the 13th was just as bad as Friday the 13th. On the flip side, it Tuesday is also the day for farmers and planting crops, which is all good and beneficial for society.

1. Marriage

Getting married on a Tuesday will keep the couple in good health.

2. Cutting Fingernails

If you cut your nails on Tuesdays, you will attract money.

3. Don’t Begin a Journey

Never begin a journey or a vacation on this day. You will drag bad luck along with you.

4. Planting

Seeds should be planted on Tuesday.

5. Revenge Magic

Tuesday was the day to perform revenge magic, according to Christian folklore. In Westphalia, it was said that when the new moon fell on a Tuesday, rituals were performed in Churchyards, invoking the name of the Trinity, in order to magically kill off enemies.

6. Sneeze

If you sneeze on a Tuesday, you will kiss a stranger.

7. Business Start-up

Start a new business on a Tuesday and nothing bad will happen to it.

8. Left Hand

If the first person you meet on Tuesday is a lefty, expect bad luck for the day.

9. Arguments

Arguments started on Tuesdays end badly.

10. Peaceful Home

An offering of food should be burned in the fire every Tuesday to keep peace within the home.

Author: StrangeAgo