10 Old Superstitions About Amethyst Stones

The amethyst is the birthstone for those who are born in February, and there are plenty of old superstitions and folk beliefs about this semiprecious stone. The stone itself is a symbol of justice, truth, and courage. It was the stone of Jupiter.

1. Protection Against Witchcraft

People have worn amethyst for protection since antiquity. It was believed to have been protection against witchcraft and the Evil Eye. It can be worn against hexes and negative energies.

2. Lightning

Hang amethyst or place an amethyst stone in a window to protect the home from lightning.

3. Drunkenness

People would wear amethyst to prevent themselves from becoming drunk.

4. Test Taking

Students are supposed to wear amethyst while taking a test. It was believed to make the wearer more intelligent.

5. Business

Keep an amethyst stone in your pocket when working on a new business. The stone was believed to give people a strong sense of business and its inner workings.

6. Lung Diseases

Amethyst was believed to protect the wearer from lung diseases.

7. For Lasting Love

Gifting amethyst jewelry shows lasting love. The wearer will not betray you in matters of the heart.

8. Bad Dreams

Place an amethyst under the pillow to prevent bad dreams.

9. Bravery

Amethyst jewelry made with gold gives the wearer natural courage.

10. In a Dream

To dream of losing an amethyst foretells troubles in love and relationships.

Author: StrangeAgo