8 Old Cases of Animals Born With Extra Legs

Old newspapers reported on just about everything, including animals (pets and livestock) born with extra legs. Sadly, none of the newspapers published photos of these special animals. On the bright side, newspapers did publish plenty of images of two-headed animals. However, these animals were often killed and sent to the taxidermist.

1. Five Legged Colt in Kentucky

A five legged colt was born in Kentucky in 1915. A year later, the colt was still alive an healthy. Then a veterinary surgeon came along, cut off its extra leg, and placed it on exhibit. [1]

2. Washington’s Freak Cow

In 1904, it was reported that a Washington state farmer had a 7-year-old cow born with a fifth leg. The farmer said it was a great milking cow and was in good health.

According to one account:

“Growing from her neck, just behind the left shoulder, is a well developed leg. The limb is about 15 inches long and seems to be fastened to the backbone at the neck. The hoof is about one inch in diameter and is about four inches long. The unnatural leg has a well developed bone inside, showing the toe, knee, and hock perfectly.” [2]

3. Dog With Five Legs

In 1914 a dog was born with an extra leg in Virginia City. The extra leg grew between the two front legs. [3]

4. Owner Killed It

A colt born with an extra leg in Nebraska, 1894, was immediately killed by its owner. The article did not state if this was done for superstitious reasons or because the animal was being sent to a taxidermist. [4]

5. Leg Growing Out of its Forehead

In Indiana, 1894, a rather peculiar colt was born.

“Last night a colt was born with five legs. The extra leg comes out on the forehead, near the left ear, and is two feet long. It is perfect in shape, having a hoof, the same as on the other feet. The colt is said to be fully developed in every particular, strong and hearty. The extra leg hangs down under the neck, being attached to the top of the head by skin.” [5]

6. Seven Legs on a Pig

Here is an interesting account of a pig born in Illinois, 1887.

“A pig with seven legs and eight feet was born here. The three extra legs are situated between the fore and hind legs. Two of them are shaped like the hind legs of a pig, but are reversed. The other is like the fore leg, but has two perfectly formed feet.”

The article does not state whether or not the pig was born alive. It was preserved in a jar of alcohol. [6]

7. Calf With Six Legs

A healthy calf was born with six legs in Ohio, 1891.

“The two extra legs are located on top of the shoulder, and drop down on either side, resembling the others in every respect, except the hoofs are not split.”

In spite of the extra legs, the calf was said to be very active. [7]

8. Chickens With Extra Legs

In 1910, there was a series of “freak” animal births in Virginia. The superstitious blamed it on Hailey’s comet.

“Four extraordinary freaks were born in this section during the past week. M.W. Sherry of New Market stands at the top with a genuine live, four legged chicken. The chicken cannot use the extra pair of drumsticks, but carries them as excess baggage.

“A three legged chicken at Bridgewater lived but a few hours. At Dale Enterprise a Jersey calf was born Thursday without the semblance of a tail. And yesterday at Cherry Grove a kitten emulated the calf by coming into existence tailless.

“The knowing ones blame it all on Hailey’s comet.” [8]

Author: StrangeAgo