8 Questions About Joan of Arc Answered

Born in 1412 in Domrémy, Bar, France, Joan of Arc was possibly a peasant girl or, as some historians believe, a daughter of noble birth, who through faith believed that she was being led by angels and god to became the heroine of France.

1. What Did She Look Like?

Very little is known about what Joan of Arc looked like.

We do know that she was described as having a strong and healthy body from working in the fields. She was short, maybe 5’2”. Her skin was tanned from the sun and she had short, black hair. Her eyes were said to be large and dark.

Overall, she was attractive.

2. What Were Her Strange Visions?

According to the lore set around Joan of Arc, she began having visions at the age of thirteen.

There is quite a lot of controversy about these visions. In legend, it is said that she received visions from the Archangel Michael, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, and Saint Margaret. These visions supposedly told her that she was to return France’s Charles VII to the throne and remove English control.

Her maid said the visions came when the church bells rang and were accompanied by a bright light.

Modern doctors believe that Joan of Arc may have suffered from a psychiatric condition, whereas ufologists believe she was contacted by extraterrestrial life.

3. Did She Fight In Any Battles?

While we see many paintings of Joan in armor, she never participated in the actual battles and never killed an opponent.

She was a commander of the French army and led her troops to victory. In many cases, villages and towns would surrender when they saw her army.

4. Why Was She Burned At The Stake?

Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for heresy on May 30, 1431. She was nineteen-years-old.

She had been captured by the Burgundians and was sold to the English.

During her trial, she rejected church authority and believed, instead, in a direct connection with God. She was also ordered to stop wearing men’s clothing, which she did for a few days, but then returned to wearing pants after having a vision of St. Catherine and St. Margaret who were upset with her for giving in to the churches demands.

For her visions, her refusal to wear women’s clothing, and for stealing during the war, she was sentenced to burn at the stake.

5. What were Her Last Words?

 After the fire was lit and it began to spread, she cried out “Jesus!” several times.

6. Was She Burned More than Once?

There are many stories surrounding the life and death of Joan of Arc, and it can get complicated trying to separate truth from fiction, but it is generally believed that she was burned three times.

The reason behind the multiple burnings was to reduce her body to ashes and to prevent people from claiming her body parts as relics, which was a common practice at the time.

Her ashes were thrown into the Seine.

7. What was the Story About her Heart?

During the first burning, Joan of Arc died of smoke inhalation. To prevent anyone from gathering parts of her body to sell as relics, another fire was lit to completely burn away her remains. However, in the charred remains, her heart appeared to remain unharmed, and so a third fire was lit.

8. Could She Have Escaped?

There are some who believe that Joan of Arc escaped the stake and that an unknown woman was burned in her place. This myth has been debunked numerous times.

Author: StrangeAgo